Refer & Earn

Wishful Thinking

Jan 30, 2025

When I was a little girl, my grandma would save the wishbone for us to make a wish every Sunday. She’d have it propped up on the window sill drying out so she and I could make our long awaited wish. My gram was the best!! Man do I miss her!!

But in all the years of making wishes, I don’t think mine ever came true, I’d often wonder if hers ever did.

Well  it’s way too often I see Chiros opening practices on a wish and a dream with no real proven systems in place, without realistic expectations of the time and energy involved and hoping they can pay themselves at the end of the month.

Opening a practice is probably the largest investment you are ever going to make! This is NOT the time to gamble, wish and hope. You future depends on it.


1. Develop reliable systems that have been proven time and time again in the most successful practices in the world

2. Master your communication skills and relationship building skills so 9 out of 10 new patients will want to follow your recommendations


3. Get a coach! Don’t gamble with your future. There is no such thing as a plan B. Either you are going to do it, or not!!




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