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Overcoming Common Negative Emotions for a Joyful Season

abundance mindset chiropractic success Dec 22, 2023

Happy Friday THRIVERS!

It's my favorite time of year! In fact, I'm listening to Christmas songs right now, and it's only 8:30 in the morning! LOL
I love the smell of the tree, the hustle and bustle of the stores, the Christmas vibe and cheer and love spending the week with my family!!
But  have you ever felt this looming sense of negativity this time of year, even though you know you should be joyous? 
Maybe you didn't reach your year's goals, you experienced a big loss this year or you are simply just ALWAYS worried.....even when things are going good.
Well, I'll let you in on a little secret.......................
EVERYONE, at one time or another, has felt those same feelings. Even the most successful, beautiful, talented and richest people on the planet.
I have narrowed it down to the top 4 most common negative feelings.
1. Fatigue: I hear people all the time say "I'm just so tired all the time." I said that to a mentor of mine once and he had the BEST advice!! He asked, "What are you thinking about?" HMMMMMM....what was I thinking about? LOL I didn't even know. I was thinking about so many was literally exhausting. So, what are you focusing on? Are you focusing on the 1 or 2 people who didn't sign up for your care and ignoring the 8 who did? Hahaha yep! Me too sometimes.
2. Irritation: How many of you get irritated in traffic? LOL Well get ready to be's Christmas....there's traffic. We get irritated when we make little things into big things. Keep the little things little, and you will be just fine.
3. Fear: Oh boy! This is a big one. I live with fear everyday of my life. Take note....I didn't say "in fear", I said with fear. There is a difference. I have BIG goals this year! I'm sure you do too. In order for me to reach these goals, I am going to have to do things I have never done before, learn new skills, invest in myself to learn them and step out of my comfy cushy life. Shit....I'm nervous. BUT, I'm going to do it anyway because what if I don't?
4. Resentment: This is the most corrosive of all of these emotions. This is the one that will burn a hole in your stomach. This is the one that you wake up to in the morning. Here's the thing....nobody owes you anything. If you don't like a situation, it's simple....CHANGE IT! Then, LET IT GO! This is a great time of your to LET IT GO!

Here's the thing....stinkin thinkin is a choice. For the love of yourself, choose positive thinking, get into gratitude and share the love with everyone you come in contact with this Holiday Season! Let's make this the most joyful, peaceful and loving holiday that you ever had!!


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