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Mastering the Money Mindset: A Blueprint for Prosperous Practice Owners

abundance mindset chiropractic education chiropractic success Nov 20, 2023

Starting a practice is so exciting.  It's a time of new beginnings, a time to be creative, and a time to celebrate and reward yourself for all the hard work you put into opening your ideal practice.


One of the things that trips some new practice owners up is money because let's face takes a little bit for the money to start rolling in. So I would like to share my PERSPECTIVE on money.


I love money, but I didn't always feel good about money. In fact, it wasn't until I started "seeing" money differently that I became a money magnet. That's right.....I said "seeing". The lens in which you view the world, including money, will determine how you "feel" about it.


"We must look at the lens through we see the world, as well as the world we see, and that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world."_ Stephen Covey


It wasn't until I started to "see" money as an exchange of energy that is supposed to flow in and flow back out, like the tide, that I started attracting more money into my life. Does money make us happy? The obvious answer is NO.


You probably know many millionaires who are not happy people.


And yet, many people think, once I have a certain amount of money, I will be happy, I can relax, and I can finally feel peace and secure.


But if you want to attract money into your life, you actually have to feel all of those things first. When you feel love, peace, joy, happy and abundant, your physiology changes. When your physiology changes, you have more energy, you become more creative and you will have laser focus. Over a short period of time money will start naturally flowing in. 


Money might not make you happy, but it certainly contributes to living an exceptional life.


As an exceptional person, do you like to eat organic? Yep, me too. Is organic food a larger investment than non organic...of course.


As an exceptional person, do you like to exercise? Yep me too. Is having access to world class equipment and instructors cost a little bit more? Of course! How about personal growth? If you are an exceptional have multiple mentors and coaches.


Is there an investment involved in those? Yep. In fact, the more profound the coaching, the more the investment is.


Tony Robbins said that he charges a million dollars a year to coach his clients. Do you think your life would elevate if you were coached directly by Tony Robbins? I think...probably!!!


What about contribution? How many of you have favorite charities, churches and missions you would love to financially support?


What do you think would happen to our profession if we had the money that the pharmaceutical industry has? Do you think we would make a bigger impact on humanity? Of course we would!!


What lens are you looking through, and is it serving you?


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